My name is Shawna Korgan and I’m here to help you change the world. That may sound like an impossible task but when we are em•powered to live our happiest and most productive lives, we make the world a better place.
My goal, my passion, my purpose is to help you remember your greatness, and to empower you stand in your individual ethos manifest to live healthier by using tools to help you power up and power down.
Join me in finding that light within and together we can make a difference.
These 5 values combined together create the foundation and power behind my Ethos Manifest.
devotion, admiration, and affection
"A positive force that is felt deep in the soul that can be expressed as a noun, a verb, and an emotion."
unwavering allegiance
"Steadfast dedication to something or someone you truly believe in."
both in body and mind
"Flourishing in your body, sustained by nutrition, movement, and mindfulness"
mental and moral bravery
"A willingness and desire to step outside of your comfort zone…to be bold."
being true and genuine to yourself
"Sharing your truth, speaking, and living from your heart. Being genuine."
More than just a fitness coach.
While my em•powerment program is based in fitness, I also provide a holistic journey to total wellness by using…
Drawing upon 20 years of education, coaching and training; I have designed a place for you to have the resources to achieve strength and harmony between the mind, body, and spirit.
Be firm in your outcome and flexible on how you get there.
- Shawna
Let's step into greatness together.
Your Ethos Manifest is your guide to all things. It allows you to make decisions with clarity and ease, reduces stress, promotes self-empowerment, and leads to overall physical and mental well-being.
Are you ready to start your ethos manifest journey?